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Make a difference

The AAO is a volunteer-led association that supports the professional interests of archives and archivists across Ontario. The funding that we receive from our generous donors greatly assist us in furthering programs and services that we offer to our membership in preserving and accessing Ontario’s cultural heritage.

Give Today

Every gift to the AAO is an investment to Ontario’s cultural heritage, and we are grateful for the financial support of our donors and partners. Together, we are providing our membership with the tools and opportunities to assist them in the profession of information specialists representing and serving archives and records professionals.

Donations are eligible for a tax receipt. The AAO thanks you very much for your support.

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Donate to the AAO.

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Have you considered sponsoring the Archives Association of Ontario? We have many exciting opportunities for your company.

For more information, visit the 2025 Conference page for sponsorship packages.

Become a conference sponsor. Image links to Conference Sponsorship Terms of Reference.

For more on becoming a Conference sponsor, read the AAO Conference Sponsorship Terms of Reference.

Volunteer with the AAO

Do you want to get more involved with the Archives Association of Ontario?  

Volunteering is an awarding opportunity to network within the community and enhance your professional skills. Whether you're looking to further your career, gain experience or just give back, we can help you find the right opportunity. For volunteering opportunities, please contact

Interested in volunteering? Visit our Committees page to see what current opportunities are available. 

705-1 Eglinton Ave. East

Toronto ON

M4P 3A1

(647) 343-3334

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